Bankster Crime

Exposing Fraud in the Banking System

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Popular Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies Are the Next Frontier for the Surveillance State

Countries are launching digital currencies to rival Bitcoin—and opening up new ways to snoop on their citizens in the process. ILLUSTRATION BY DANIEL ZENDER At first, it might have sounded like manna from heaven. Chinese authorities announced they would be…

Bitcoin Surges After New Cryptocurrency Exchange Backed By Citadel, Fidelity And Schwab Starts Operations

BanksterCrime: by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jun 20, 2023 – 12:49 PM EDX Markets, a newcomer to the cryptocurrency exchange landscape, has made a notable entry with backing from some of Wall Street’s biggest institutions including Citadel Securities, Fidelity Investments, and…

Will Crypto Weakness Push Silver Higher

Crypto down! Silver up? We think a growing forward trend is a combination of pressure on crypto currencies, particularly Bitcoin (Ethereum has software applications that work and becoming more popular so isn’t just a one trick pony like Bitcoin) with…

I Bought The Bitcoin Dip”…Now What?

What is Cryptocurrency? It is a form of digital money, in short. For the long answer, keep reading our “What is cryptocurrency” guide. More and more people and companies are starting to use it. Some of this money can be…